Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Love for the Eclectic !

Eclecticism, an ancient philosophy which drew on multiple sources for inspiration for a piece of art, rather than just relying on a single stream of thought. It is about deriving ideas and developing your own enviable sense of style from a 'mish-mash' of a broader and more diverse range of concepts. Thinking beyond aesthetic limitations is also a process of self discovery, don't you think ? What grows along with your sense of style is you ! :-)

Having said that, I am sure many of you will find your sense of decor reflecting this philosophy. I find myself doing more and more of it and deriving great satisfaction from the end results. It is a mixed bag of cultural influences, innovative usage of what would otherwise be mundane, and a 'spray of this-and a dash of that' which inspires my canvas towards the 'eclectic'.

Moving away from the stereotype is always exciting. Why not expand the drawing board, borrow concepts from other cultures, use art and craft that may be native to a different part of the world, transform what is 'discarded-and-old' into 'vintage-yet-useful' and see your home come alive with the 'not-so-mainstream' yet beautiful !

At the risk of sounding complex and perhaps even inelegant to some, I think there is great joy in being 'consistently inconsistent' in the world of decor and art. So while you enjoy your elevenses today at home, do look around you and share with me your very own 'eclectic find', your uniquely different style. I'd love to hear about it and feel inspired too. 


  1. Why stick to one style when there is beauty everywhere. It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful.
